Water-only Fasting Literature
A database of research publications dating back to 1881!
Starvation enhances the ability of insulin to inhibit its own secretion
Publication Year:
0026-0495 (Print) 0026-0495 (Linking)

To examine whether decreased insulin secretion during starvation is related to a change in the ability of insulin to inhibit its own secretion, plasma C-peptide was measured after plasma insulin levels were acutely raised by intravenous (IV) insulin infusion in a dose of 40 and 80 mU/M2/min in obese subjects before and after a 72 hour fast. Plasma glucose concentration was maintained +/- 4% of basal levels by a variable glucose infusion. During the 80 mU infusion, at plasma insulin levels of 200 microU/mL, plasma C-peptide fell by 0.17 pmol/mL in the fed state. In the fasted state, despite basal levels that were 36% lower, C-peptide decreased by 0.21 pmol/mL. Highly significant increases in percent suppression after fasting were noted during both 40 mU and 80 mU studies. The plasma C-peptide response was related to the insulin infusion dose in both the fed and fasted state. In contrast, alpha cell suppression by insulin, as determined by plasma glucagon levels, was not altered by fasting. It is concluded that enhanced inhibitory influences of insulin on the beta cell during starvation may be a physiologically important mechanism for diminished insulin secretion during the transition from the fed to the fasting state.

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