Water-only Fasting Literature
A database of research publications dating back to 1881!
Latest Research
Author(s): Harrison, M. T., Harden, R. M.
Publication: Lancet
Publication Year: 1966
Author(s): Stinebaugh, B. J., Schloeder, F. X.
Publication: Metabolism
Publication Year: 1966
Author(s): Silverstone, J. T., Stark, J. E., Buckle, R. M.
Publication: Lancet
Publication Year: 1966
Author(s): Drenick, E. J., Blahd, W. H., Singer, F. R., Lederer, M.
Publication: Am J Clin Nutr
Publication Year: 1966
Author(s): Benoit, F. L., Martin, R. L., Watten, R. H.
Publication: Ann Intern Med
Publication Year: 1965
Author(s): Lecocq, F. R., McPhaul, J. J., Jr.
Publication: Metabolism
Publication Year: 1965
Author(s): Duncan, G. G., Hunscher, M. A., Cristofori, F. C., Duncan, T. G., Schless, G. L.
Publication: Postgrad Med
Publication Year: 1965
Author(s): Duncan, G. G., Duncan, T. G., Schless, G. L., Cristofori, F. C.
Publication: Ann N Y Acad Sci
Publication Year: 1965
Author(s): Drenick, E. J.
Publication: Arthritis Rheum
Publication Year: 1965
Author(s): Scott, J. T., McCallum, F. M., Holloway, V. P.
Publication: Clin Sci
Publication Year: 1964